jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Do schools kill creativity?

Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about a video: “Do school kill creativity?” by Ken Robinson. A few years ago I saw a video from him talking about the education, called “Changing paradigms” and I like it as this video about creativity. I liked the video about paradigms because was an illustrated animation relating Robinson’s speech. In spite of that, I enjoyed the video of creativity, I think is a very interesting topic and is not tedious to hear because I find Robinson’s speech fairly light with his sense of humor.
I agree with Robinson, I think that school, being so strict and structured, are killing creativity over time because they do not allow children to use their full potential. Children have a great capacity of innovation. How the people want innovation if schools try to “build” them all the same?
I remember that when I was young I was in my art class in 5th grade and my teacher made my classmates and I do an exercise that was done before to the children in 1st grade. That consisted of close our eyes and starts to draw senseless lines on a blank sheet of paper, without lifting the pencil. Then, when we opened our eyes, we had to find as many figures that were formed with the lines. The great majority of my classmates saw only geometric shapes, although there were others who also found other much more complicated figures. When we finished the exercise the teacher compared the results and said that the 1st grade children had done better than us. That made me realize that we are losing skills we are born with and the great majority does not care enough to do something about it.

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